Many new parents have worries and concerns, especially if their child is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This is a support for those parents of infants in the NICU . I hope you find this information helpful.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Social Workers in NICU

I have been curious about how social workers interact in the NICU and I found some helpful links about what social workers do in the NICU:

Comprehensive Social Work Services in a NICU


  1. Dear Jenny,
    My name is Alessandra Giolo and I am responsible for the project“ Voice and singing in Newborn Pathology” of the Association for “Newborn help” in Bergamo, Italy.
    The project will be carried out at the Newborn Pathology ward at the Pope John XXIII Hospital in Bergamo from January 2018.
    I’m kindly asking your permission to use the photograph in your homepage.ì or where i can find this photograph.
    The photograph will be used as an information card and to raise money.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Kindly regard
    Giolo Alessandra

    1. Hello Giolo!

      I honestly am not sure where I got the picture from since I did this project so long ago. It's not my original photo and I might have gotten it from searching on Google. Sorry I can't help you further. Good luck with your project. It definitely sounds very interesting and I hope you get good reception.
